
What does your prop mean to you?

My props are a photo of my Nana and a Diabetes Kit.

These two items represent the change in my values and what I was willing to put time into.  I realised that my family young and old needed more time and just more of me.  I now have wonderful memories of time spent with my Grandmother and continue to build fantastic memories with my living family.

What church do you attend?

I attend Grafton Presbyterian Church.

What is the best thing about STACS?

The staff and students.

What is the best gift you have ever been given?

The best thing I have been given was my family and a grateful heart.

My career journey to arrive at STACS

My journey to STACS was a long one!  I started working for DET in the 1990s and left public education in 2018 to pursue teaching in schools that valued Christian faith.

A significant Bible verse to me

Matthew 6:14: ”For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.”