What does your prop mean to you?
These are my grandchildren who are a joy to us and a reminder of God’s love and grace to us.
What church do you attend?
I attend Yamba Presbyterian Church.
What is the best thing about STACS?
The best thing about STACS is the whole staff focus on Jesus.
What is the best gift you have ever been given?
The best gift I have been given, apart from God’s grace to us, would have to be the golf clubs my wife bought me for my birthday/Christmas last year.
My career journey to arrive at STACS
I worked as a Youth Pastor at Gosford Presbyterian Church (4 years), then as a Minister at Epping (3 Years), Coonabarabran (5 Years) & Yamba (10 Years) Presbyterian Churches, for the last 5 years I worked as a Chaplain at The Scots College Sydney. Life is full of many different experiences and God uses each of them to help us grow and serve others. I have returned to an area I know and people I love being with. I’m looking forward to working with the staff, students and families of STACS.
A significant Bible verse to me
Romans 10:9: “If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you will be saved.”