
Dear STACS Primary School Families,

Welcome to our new families and thank you to our current families for your support and partnership throughout 2022.  I look forward to this ongoing.

As you enter into this holiday season, I hope you and your children can take a break from the routines of the school year to be rejuvenated. I encourage students to rest from the demands of social media and screens for a time to have a break, check safety settings, renew passwords or phrases etc. Please review this site for more information: https://www.esafety.gov.au/parents

Staff Changes

We farewell and recognise the long term service and impact on our school of Mrs Joanne Baxter, Mr Wayne Robinson and Ms Debbie Simpson.  We pray blessing on them and their families in their new adventures.  We also farewell Mr Matt Baker and Mr Jesse McKenzie and thank them for their contribution.

To prepare your child for the 2023 school year:

  1.  Stationery

All Kindergarten to Year 6 students will be provided with a Maths Plus text book and stationery pack which will contain all their stationery needs for the whole school year. Kindergarten to Year 2 students will also be provided with InitiaLit (new literacy program) resources and Year 3-6 students will also be provided with Spelling Mastery and handwriting texts.  The cost of the text book/stationery pack per student is $65 payable via cash, EFTPOS or direct credit to the school’s bank account by no later than Friday 3 February 2023.

Parents only need to provide their child with a pencil case (Years 3-6), library/homework bag (available to purchase from Student Reception for $10), drink bottle, lunchbox and backpack to start the new school year. Please label everything.

Please note packs will be handed out in the classroom (on receipt of payment) and will not be available for collection from Student Reception prior to the start of the school year.

  1.  Consent Forms

Please download and complete the following forms and hand to Student Reception or email to reception@standrewscs.nsw.edu.au by Friday 3 February 2023:

You may choose to complete them now and post them back to mark that task as complete.  Contact us if you require a printed copy.

  1.  Review the school’s Uniform Requirements  (note the required shoes) and information concerning School Attendance 
  2.  Read about our  PeaceWise Program which is taught across the school.  More information about the program can be found at https://peacewise.org.au

Please note all the documents mentioned above are also available on the Community page of the school’s website.

Here are some dates to get you started in the new year – please visit our website www.standrewscs.nsw.edu.au for more dates, regular updates and information. Look to our Facebook/Instagram pages for updates too.

  • Monday 30 January 2023              Years 3-12 commence
  • Tuesday 31 January 2023               Years 3-12 Swimming Carnival at Maclean Olympic Pool
  • Wednesday 1 February 2023         Prep, Kindergarten-Year 2 commence
  • Monday 6 February 2023               Pre-Prep commence
  • Sunday 12 February 2023              School Commencement Service at the Grafton Presbyterian Church
  • Tuesday 28 February 2023            Meet the Staff Evening (on site)

Sports Days

Sports Days for Primary will be Wednesday and Friday in 2023.

Prep-Year 2 Free Bus Service

The school operates a free bus service for students in our Prep to Year 2 classes.  If you would like your child to use this service in 2023, please complete the bus form and return to Student Reception.  Please note if your child travelled on the bus in 2022 and their daily pick up routine will not change in 2023,  no action is required.

2023 Swimming Carnival

This year’s swimming carnival will be held on Tuesday 31 January 2023 (which is the second day for Term 1) at Maclean Olympic Pool and due to the limited capacity of the pool will only be for students in Years 3-12.

If your child is in Years 3-6, please read the information about the day and complete the permission note for your child to attend. All permission notes and payment should be returned preferably this week or by no later than the first day of Term 1.

2022 School Magazine

Click on the link to read our 2022 School Magazine.

Enrolling at STACS

If you know of anyone who would like to apply to enrol in our school, please encourage them to book a tour on the website or make an appointment. Student Reception will be open from Monday 16 January 2023.

I wish you all a safe and joyous Christmas and blessings for a fruitful 2022. Let us celebrate and give thanks to God for the great gift of His Son. “For to us a child is born…and he will be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace, Jesus.” (Isaiah 9:9)

Janelle Rowe – Principal

7 December 2022